Evanston Women and the 19th is a web resource that was introduced by the Evanston Women’s History Project last fall. The information on the collections is valuable, and recent updates make the materials more interactive and engaging for visitors. These updates include:
- a new contextual timeline that opens the exhibit, offering visitors a view of what was happening in Evanston as compared to the state of Illinois and the rest of the United States
- a video produced by Loyola University Chicago graduate students highlighting a play written by Evanston suffragists Catharine Waugh McCulloch
- an interactive timeline highlighting the life and career of Catharine Waugh McCulloch
- added materials to the digital collection
Over the coming months, new materials will be added to the collection, and new innovations will be used to highlight the stories held in this collection. Please check back here periodically to keep up-to-date on these changes!
Click here to start your visit to Evanston Women and the 19th!