Timeline of Evanston Women’s History
This timeline provides an overview of Evanston’s women’s history, including many of the women and organizations we’ve researched, and significant dates in their histories.
Evanston Women’s History Project Research Database
The Evanston Women’s History Project research database contains information about women and women’s organizations that the project has researched. It provides basic biographical and historical information, details about the significance of many women and women’s organizations, some information about sites where they lived and worked, and resources for researchers.
Guide to Woman’s Suffrage Materials at the Evanston History Center
This guide provides information about the research materials available at the Evanston History Center Archive related to the woman’s suffrage movement in Evanston and in Illinois.
Illinois Suffrage History
The story of Evanston and suffrage is integrally tied to the story of the movement in Illinois. For more on the history of the movement in the state, you can visit a website that tells the stories together. Go to suffrage2020illinois.org for more.