Carrie Patton Clark (1887-1976) resided in Evanston from 1924-1948. Clark was born in Paxton, IL, and graduated from the University of Illinois with a Master’s in sociology and library science. She moved to Evanston first as a student at Northwestern University and then returned when her husband joined the Northwestern faculty. She co-authored a leading marketing textbook with her husband and participated in women’s organizations associated with the university.
Clark was a suffragist advocating for the 19th amendment, then one of the founding members of the Evanston League of Women Voters. From 1945-1947 she held the position of President of the Evanston League. As president, she attended the 1946 national LWV convention, the first following the end of World War II. The convention addressed post-war issues like how to strengthen the newly founded United Nations as well as two longstanding LWV goals: getting out the vote and educating voters.