Women’s Equality Day is a good day to recognize the nearly 70 year battle American women waged for full citizenship rights. Occuring on August 26th, Women’s Equality Day marks the passage of the 19th Amendment on this date in 1920. The 19th amendment stated:
The right of citizens of the United States to vote shall not be denied or abridged
by the United States or by any State on account of sex.
Evanston women were critical players in the fight for women’s suffrage and other rights. They articulated arguments and created strategies that influenced the national movement and made Illinois a leader in the women’s suffrage struggle.
You can explore more of the story in several ways:
- visit the pages on this website that tell the story – all under the Woman’s Suffrage tab
- visit an Evanston Park named for a woman – you can find our online walking tour here
- visit Catharine Waugh McCulloch Park in north Evanston to see the marker to honor her on the Votes for Women Trail
- take a tour of the Frances Willard House Museum in Evanston – more info here