Celebrate International Women’s Day with the Evanston Women’s History Project and Piven Theater with a screening of the film Nevertheless followed by a Q&A discussion with Director, Sarah Moshman, EWHP Director Lori Osborne, and mother and daughter, Juliet and Lilly Bond, who are featured in the film. The screening and discussion will take place online on Sunday March 7th, from 2-3:30 pm.
Taking a look behind the headlines of #MeToo and Time’s Up, NEVERTHELESS follows the intimate stories of 7 individuals who have experienced sexual harassment in the workplace or school context. From a writer’s assistant on a top TV show to a Tech CEO and 911 dispatcher, the film shines a light on the ways in which we can shift our culture and rebuild.
Director Sarah Moshman grew up in Evanston, and the story of Lily and Juliet Bond highlights an issue that took place at Haven Middle School in Evanston, giving this national story a local angle for exploration.
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